Compatibality Questions

Pedro Francisco pedrogfrancisco at
Mon Oct 19 10:07:02 UTC 2009

* Skype exists for Ubuntu GNU/Linux (available at )

* Yahoo! Messenger no, but Pidgin (available at Ubuntu Software  
Center/Add-Remove Programs, depending on Ubuntu version) can connect to  
the Yahoo! network and provide the basic funcionality (no video nor audio  
but allows to send and receive written messages).

* Microsoft Office I believe it can be made to run on Ubuntu GNU/Linux  
using a third party [paid] application, called Crossover Office ,  
available at ; obviously, the license to run  
Microsoft Office is acquired separately. You better check to check which Office versions  
are supported.

--> However, I'd recommend you'd give a try to OpenOffice. It's included  
with Ubuntu GNU/Linux and opens and saves to Word, Excel and Powerpoint  
documents, with a high degree of compatibility, along with other formats.

Concerning your hardware, I'm afraid I can't help you, as I need more info  
to determine your Wireless Card chipset. The HP hardware usually work with  
no need to install additional drivers, though. But once again, provide the  
model of your All in One for better assessment.

P.S.: the best you can do is download a 'Live CD' and follow the  
instructions to run it on your computer from the CD (without installing  
it) and test your hardware from the Live CD environment.


Em Thu, 15 Oct 2009 08:39:44 +0100, Saeed Darvish <sd_1370 at>  

> To whom it may concern,
> I have a question concerning the compatibility between my HP all in one  
> wireless printer and a usb wireless modem, will they still be compatible  
> to my laptop if I install UBUNTU? Also, are programs like Skype, Yahoo  
> Messenger and Microsoft Office still compatible?

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