How install NVIDIA drivers? Can't disable X

Heike C. Zimmerer nospam08q2 at
Sun Oct 18 14:03:30 UTC 2009

Glenn Booker <grb25 at> writes:

> Hi, I'm trying to install drivers for a GeForce210 video card on
> Ubuntu Desktop. I followed their instructions, but I'm getting the
> error that X needs to be shut off before the drivers can be installed.

I assume there's a reason why you can't use the drivers provided by the
Ubuntu package management.

If so, make sure you have no unsaved data in any X application. Change
to a console by pressing Alt-Control-F1.  Then log in.  Execute

   sudo killall gdm   # or kdm, if you're using KDE
   sudo killal Xorg

The first command makes sure X doesn't get respawned when it dies,
the second one kills X.  Now compile your driver.


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