AW: Mount a FTP folder using curlftp -> Write problems

David N. Lombard dnl at
Sat Oct 17 14:38:10 UTC 2009

Markus Bodmann wrote:
> I tried:
> // /media/ftp_markus cifs username=v115191,password=*******,uid=1000 0 0
> in the fstab, doesnt work...
Please describe "doesn't work".

Looking at the above, I see you only reference the server, not its samba 
"share" name.  How is samba exporting the filesystem  You need that full 

//fs/public /mnt/public cifs    username=...,password=...,uid=dnl   0 0

This is an example of mounting a "public" share off my fileserver.  The 
fileserver exports both NFS and CIFS filesystems.

Also, you noted you only wanted this to work on your LAN.  Did you 
really mean you wanted something that worked for both your intranet 
*AND* the Internet?  In that case, CIFS isn't what you want.

David N. Lombard
Rossmoor, Orange County, CA

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.

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