Building a Point of Sale or (How does X work?)

Doug Robinson dkrr at
Sat Oct 17 03:30:23 UTC 2009

Doug Robinson wrote:
> Karl F. Larsen wrote:
>>> Valter
>>> 	You do not need to know much at all about X windows. Learn to use Ubuntu.
>> 73 Karl
> Hmm I quit being a sys admin some where in the early '80s but
> 1) A auto login single account machine.
> 2) the shell specified in the passwd file is changed to the program of 
> your chosing.
> presto!
> dkr
ok ok so this does not work with X. I just like to see myself talk about the
old days!

Instead the modern way - in X

*System > Preferences > Startup Applications
you get a list of standard programs - pick one or
click on add and add a new program to the list

Kde (stolen from the Grey Geek)*
1. Open up Konqueror. Navigate to your home folder.
   2. Click on View. Select Show Hidden Files.
   3. Look for a folder named .kde and open it.
   4. Look for a folder named Autostart and open it.
   5. Click on the K Menu icon and navigate to the program that you 
would like to auto-start.
   6. Drag the icon for said program into the Konqueror window and 
select Copy Here when prompted.
there now modern time are here.



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