Error 21 when booting up...???

Larry Shields larryesu at
Fri Oct 16 22:57:51 UTC 2009

Larry Shields wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> On 10/14/2009 01:06 PM, Larry Shields wrote:
>>> Steve wrote:
>> ...
>>>> Try
>>> *Thanks Steve - for the site info...
>>> What I did instead of using the livecd,  for it would not let me switch 
>>> to the root user, to authorizes  it, that from what I no it will not let 
>>> you...
>>> Anyway I then used Knoppix 5.1, everything worked fine, using grub, so 
>>> when I at the grub prompt typed
>>> grub> root (hd0,0)  It came up with this:
>>>     Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
>>> The I used this command:
>>> grub> setup (hd0) it the said this:
>>> Checking if "/boot/grub/stage1" exists...NO
>>> Checking if "/grub/stage1" exists...NO
>>> So it looks as though I have lost stage1 in the boot process...
>>> Do you how I can fix that...???
>> ...
>> Larry, did you get this sorted out?
> *Hi NoOp,
> No not as of yet, I had to make a 150 mile round trip yesterday, so I 
> did not have the time to mess with it..
> All though, some one passed on to me a site about SuperGrub, but I need 
> to burn the iso, and try it out...
> Thanks for asking NoOp,
> Larry
> *
Hello Again* NoOP,

I just finished using SUPER GRUB, I can say one thing about it, it does 
infact work, my 350gb hard drive boots up just fine...So if anyone else 
has this problem, mention to them about Super Grub...

Thanks for responding back...


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