dump with ssh - FIXED - NOT FIXED

Richard Gliebe richard.gliebe at fhv.at
Thu Oct 15 07:49:50 UTC 2009

On 10/15/09 8:26 AM Richard Gliebe wrote:
> On 10/15/09 8:13 AM Richard Gliebe wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have to dump some ubuntu clients to a remote streamer tape using ssh.
>> starting the dump from the clients to the remote backup-server (FreeBSD 
>> 7.2 STABLE) works fine.
>> # export RSH=/usr/bin/ssh
>> # /sbin/dump -0uan -f <backup-server>:/dev/nsa0 /
>> But now, I want to start _all_ dumps from the backup-server to the local 
>> streamer tape without mounting Client Filesystems with NFS.
>> Is there a way to do this with ssh connections from the backup-server to 
>> the ubuntu clients?
> I think, I've got it ;-)
> <backup-server># ssh root@<ubuntu-client> "dump -0uan -f - /" >/dev/nsa0

sorry! dump works well, but when I try a restore (from the backup-server 
and the client) I get following error.

# restore -if /dev/nsa0
Tape read error while restoring <file removal list>
continue? [yn] n

local dumps from the server (FreeBSD-7.2 STABLE) works fine, also the 
restore (restore -if /dev/nsa0).

dumps and restores started from the ubuntu Client works also fine.

any hints?

>> Thanks in advance.
>> Richard

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