Addition in bash
Ray Parrish
crp at
Thu Oct 15 04:05:52 UTC 2009
David N. Lombard wrote:
> Ray Parrish wrote:
>> David N. Lombard wrote:
>>> Interval=${1:-1}
>> Could you please explain the above line, and the one below for Duration,
>> as I do not see what that code is supposed to be doing.
> This uses bash's built-in capability to test for a null value or no
> value and make an alternate assignment.
> So, Interval is given the value of $1 if and only if $1 is non-null; if
> $1 is not set or is "blank" is sets Interval to 1.
> Thus Duration=${2:-300} sets Duration to the non-null value of $2
> otherwise Duration is 300
Thanks for the leg up on the testing for null, and assigning alternate
values. Pretty handy to have it all in line. I've updated the script to
use your method.
>>> [[ $Seconds -ge 60 ]] && (( Seconds -= 60 )) && (( Minutes += 1 ))
>> That last line did not work correctly, it decremented Seconds, but
>> neglected to change the value of Minutes... got any idea why??? This
>> error was with Interval set to 1 second, with Interval set to 7 seconds
>> Minutes increments correctly.
> Oops, my bad. Needed to reverse Minutes and Seconds.
> When Seconds *was* 60, the new value of 0 caused it failed the &&.
> [[ $Seconds -ge 60 ]] && (( Minutes += 1 )) && (( Seconds -= 60 ))
Thank you, my only guess had been that the -ge operator was somehow
typoed. 8-)
> && is a short-circuit AND operator, as in C. The exit code of the
> command/operation before the && is tested. If true (exit==0), then the
> command/operation following the && is executed; if not (exit!=0), the
> command/operation following the && is ignored.
> || is a short-circuit OR operator. If the command/operation before the
> || is not true (exit!=0), the command/operation following the || is
> executed; if true (exit==0), the command/operation following the || is
> not executed.
> These are idiomatic examples used in preference of single-operation if
> statements
> [[ conditional_statement ]] && do_something_if_true
> and
> [[ conditional_statement ]] || do_something_if_false
> This also works
> [[ conditional_statement ]] && do_if_true || do_if_false
> But be careful you understand how that last one works!
Thanks for all the help streamlining my code. I've added a web page to
Ray's Links with the new timer/stop watch script available as open
source software.
Later, Ray Parrish
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