create a mailing list

Arnaud MEZ arnaudmez at
Wed Oct 14 06:45:15 UTC 2009

hello everyone,

i'm actually looking for a possibility to create a mailling list like the
ubuntu mailing list for Ubuntu users from Republic of Congo Brazzaville.
for now there is no local server yet, so we can't build something very
strong, that why i'm asking if there is a possibility for us to get a rid of
this difficulty.
actually i've create a kind of group on my own mailbox that i can use to
send mail to everyone on that small local LUG.
if any possibility please let me know, it's very important for us we're just
small group of 112 persons involved and happy to use linux so it's important
for us
to be like other too.

PS: peoples from congo brazzaville does'nt speak english but french that why
a new mailing list is necessary for them.

Thanks to everyone on the Ubuntu list.


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