HELP ME I'm stuck in Windows!!!

Goh Lip g.lip at
Tue Oct 13 06:41:15 UTC 2009

Michael White wrote:
> OK guys, bear with me.
> I have been using Ubuntu for about a week and I decided that I wanted to 
> have two partitions on my HDD so that I could have both Ubuntu 9.04 and 
> Windows XP SP3.
> So I downloaded GParted and modified my Ubuntu partition to half it's 
> size. Now there is 3 partitons on my 148 gig HDD. One that was the 
> Ubuntu partition (71.72 gb), another unallocated (71.72 gb), and a third 
> (5.58 gb) not sure what the third one is for or where it came from.
> Then I took a burned copy of Windows XP SP3 and installed it onto the 
> unallocated partition. It told me that I would have to deactivate the 
> Ubuntu partition and I said yes.
> Now I'm stuck in Windows HELL! What I want to do is to reactivate my 
> Ubuntu partition and make it so that when I boot up my PC it ask's me 
> which OS I want to use.
> Thanks in advance for the help.
> -Mike
Pls advise Ubuntu version, whether you have its livecd available and if 
it is Jaunty (9.04), whether you have converted to grub2. More 
information is better, not less; eg., if you know partition number of 
windows and ubuntu

Don't want to give 2 sets and subsets (if this then this..) of instructions.

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