Brother MFC490-CW Drivers for Printer?

NoOp glgxg at
Tue Oct 13 03:56:38 UTC 2009

On 10/12/2009 02:43 PM, Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> Does anyone know for sure if the following printer drivers listed from aptitude search brother will work on the subject printer. I can use the Brother supplied deb files on their site but it's a little tedious and requires use of --force-architecture dpkg option as I've done on previous versions of Ubuntu but would rather use a packaged ubuntu driver if possible.  If anyone out their with this printer using any of the packaged driver files below please let me know:
> p   brother-cups-wrapper-ac                                      - Cups Wrapper drivers for ac brother printers
> p   brother-cups-wrapper-bh7                                     - Cups Wrapper drivers for bh7 brother printers
> p   brother-cups-wrapper-common                                  - Common files for Brother cups wrapper packages
> p   brother-cups-wrapper-extra                                   - Cups Wrapper drivers for extra brother printers
> p   brother-cups-wrapper-laser                                   - Cups Wrapper drivers for laser brother printers
> p   brother-cups-wrapper-laser1                                  - Cups Wrapper drivers for laser1 brother printers
> p   brother-cups-wrapper-mfc9420cn                               - Cups Wrapper drivers for mfc9420cn brother printers
> p   brother-lpr-drivers-ac                                       - LPR drivers for ac brother printers
> p   brother-lpr-drivers-bh7                                      - LPR drivers for bh7 brother printers
> p   brother-lpr-drivers-common                                   - Common files for brother-lpr-drivers packages
> p   brother-lpr-drivers-extra                                    - LPR drivers for extra brother printers
> p   brother-lpr-drivers-laser                                    - LPR drivers for laser brother printers
> p   brother-lpr-drivers-laser1                                   - LPR drivers for laser1 brother printers
> p   brother-lpr-drivers-mfc9420cn                                - LPR driver for mfc9420cn brother printer
> Leonard Chatagnier
> lenc5570 at

This might be of interest:
[Brother printer MFC-230 C not detected with drivers installed in
Karmic, worked in Jaunty]

Note: also note the "wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64" errors... Maybe
related to the other issue off-list?

YADT64bI... (Yet Another Double-Trouble 64bit Issue) :-)
Probably should be modified to:

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