Add Windows partition to existing Ubuntu Partition

Michael White enlightenedshadow at
Mon Oct 12 19:14:10 UTC 2009

--- On Mon, 10/12/09, Lucio M Nicolosi <lmnicolosi at> wrote:

From: Lucio M Nicolosi <lmnicolosi at>
Subject: Re: Add Windows partition to existing Ubuntu Partition
To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at>
Date: Monday, October 12, 2009, 5:50 PM

On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 3:09 AM, Michael White
<enlightenedshadow at> wrote:
> Hello again,
> OK so I absolutely love Ubuntu (I was a long time Windows user) but I really need Windows also. I tried to use WINE but it sucks. So with that said, all I want to do is add a Windows partition to my system without formating the HDD again. If I have to I will but I rather not.
> Here's the deal. I do not have a CD with Windows on it, however I have my laptop that does and it has the WIN32 Installer on it. I was wondering if I could use that. I still have the serial number from the version that was on this PC before so that's not a problem.
> So what I am asking is can I use the WIN32 installer file from my laptop to install Windows XP on this computer? If so can I do it without messing up this OS which is using the full HDD?
> Anyone who could help would be appreciated.

If MS cannot provide you (a regular user) a copy, it would be easier to:

- Find a (very irregular) torrent file for your version of XP
- Download it and burn a Win system CD
- Repartition your drive, making space for a primary partition at the
beginning of the disk.
- Learn how to reinstall Grub since Win will rewrite MBR and make your
Linux unbootable.
- Install Win from the CD
- Reinstall Grub

- Of course, providing you have a true registration code number, no
need to even google for it, it would be much safer to get an original
Win CD from a friend, since the torrent downloaded file could always
contain a virus or malware. But then you would have to leave your
office for a while...

- It would be even easier, to install Win as a virtual instance on
VirtualBox, if your hardware supports it.


L M Nicolosi, Eng.
Lat.:  23°34'4.79"S - Long.: 46°39'59.53"W
Linux Regist. User #481505 -
5E42 E02F E21D 171B EA82  1876 621D 17EB AEBA 4B50

Thanks for the insight. Downloading a torrent would have been my first choice, however the torrent website I use (the only one I trust) is currently down and has been since early September. Thanks again.

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