Mini 9 will be here soon.

Marcelo Magno T. Sales mmtsales at
Mon Oct 12 16:15:39 UTC 2009

Em Segunda-feira 12 Outubro 2009, Marcelo Magno T. Sales escreveu:
> Em Segunda-feira 12 Outubro 2009, Mark Griffin escreveu:
> > I ordered a Dell mini 9. It should be arriving tomorrow, or soon
> > after. It has the Dell version of 8.04 on it. I'm liking what I
> > have seen on the web about the regular Netbook Remix. I have a usb
> > thumb drive all loaded up with 9.04 Remix. I'm wondering though, if
> > I will be giving up anything by ditching the included version? It's
> > supposed to be optimized for the Atom processor, and all that. Will
> > I be trading stuff like smoother flash playback, for an OS I like
> > better?
> >
> > The 9 will be my primary computer.(Don't laugh) I'm poor, and want
> > ultra portability.
> >
> > I'm not exactly new to Linux. I used to run Yellow Dog Linux on an
> > old iMac(The kind with a built-in CRT). I'm not exactly an expert
> > either.
> The only thing that probably has better support in the Dell version
> that comes with your netbook is the Intel GMA500 video chipset
> (Poulsbo / psb). All the rest work very well with Jaunty and Karmic.
> The video works great for 2D, but compositing and 3D desktop effects
> are not very good currently. Actually, it is very slow and not all
> effects can be used. I have a Sony Vaio P688 which has the same video
> chipset. I've read that your Dell version of Ubuntu 8.04 has 100%
> working psb drivers.
> Maybe you should backup your hard drive with dd to some external usb
> storage and then install Karmic Netbook Remix to test it. If you
> don't like the results, restore the previous system.

Just adding, follow the instructions at the URL below to get the video 


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