Serious GRUB booting problem after install Ubuntu 9.10beta for testing it.

Goh Lip g.lip at
Mon Oct 12 06:32:12 UTC 2009

Tom H wrote:

> You should boot into your SSD install.
> Once booted, you should run "grub-install /dev/sda" to ensure that
> your SSD's grub.cfg is updated/corrected and you should then check it.
> Then connect the HDD and run "update-grub" to add the two HDD installs
> to the SSD's grub.cfg.
> (I would also check that the and grub.cfg disk references
> correspond.)

Tom, wrote separately so as not to disrupt the OP's chain of message.

"grub-install" and "grub-setup -d...." is done at the linux command 
shell. Can any grub2 command be done at the >grub shell to do the same 
function, like "root, setup" is used for grub-legacy?

Goh Lip

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