Annoiances Using Karmic Beta Kubuntu-Desktop

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at
Sun Oct 11 05:44:01 UTC 2009

--- On Sat, 10/10/09, Irving Leonard <irving.lp at> wrote:

> From: Irving Leonard <irving.lp at>
> Subject: Re: Annoiances Using Karmic Beta Kubuntu-Desktop
> To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at>
> Date: Saturday, October 10, 2009, 8:07 PM
> El Saturday 10 October 2009 03:58:21
> pm Leonard Chatagnier escribió:
> > Every time I boot up or log out and back in I get
> these messages which
> > apparently are harmless but very annoying.  Anyone
> know how to fix? 
> > Messages are" Information KDE sudo
> > No command arguments supplied!
> > Usage: kdesudo [-u <runas>] <command>
> > KdeSudo will now exit...
> >
> > Note: I've never used kdesudo from the CLI and not
> knowingly from a gui.
> >
> > The other dissapears on it's on rather fast but as I
> remember it says:
> >
> > KDE Resources Tool
> > Trying to recover resources...
> > succeeded..,
> > or something to that effect.
> >
> > All you KDE Karmic Beta users out there, any thoughts
> on this and how to
> > fix? Appreciate any suggestions or comments,
> kdesudo is something like sudo (but GUI), so when you run a
> program with admin 
> rights (like kpackagekit, knetworkmanager, etc) it runs and
> sometimes it 
> doesn't dies. When you close the session it saves that you
> had a kdesudo 
> running and try to run it, failing because kdesudo needs at
> least one 
> argument (the program to run) then it brings the message
> "No command 
> arguments supplied!"
> my $0.02
> --
> irving
Thanks, Irving.  There were two process ID's involving kdesudo running and I did experience a couple of crashes involving the new Karmic kde update manager that pops up from the "i squared" notification icon in kde systray. In those cases, I'd start the upgrade and within a second or two it would just disappear without the upgrade being completed. I killed the processes and will let you and the list know if it occurs again.  If it does, I may just make Adept the default manager as on earlier versions and see what happens.  I really loved Adept and the notifier on earlier versions.
Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at

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