Quality of Ubuntu List

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Sat Oct 10 17:13:45 UTC 2009

> No need, had all the look and feel of /trying/ to emulate the linux
> communities and most of the help seemed to still point to someone who
> had something to sell more times than not... if memory serves.  Then
> again, that may only be because most MS solutions do cost money.

The Windows ecosystem seems to be proprietary and paid solutions.
There is an alternative ecosystem which is cracked and malware-laden
software. The alt-alt Windows FOSS ecosystem is growing, but from what
I have seen, the pay-for-everything and crack-it ecosystems seems to
offer better software [1]. So I don't see that changing anytime soon.

[1] I'm not talking about web browsers here. Windows has lots of
speciality professional software (Solidworks for instance) that do not
have FOSS equivalents. For the average home user, FOSS does seem to
provide everything one needs.

Dotan Cohen


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