/var is getting full

Emil Payne EHSPayne at angelwoodpines.org
Sat Oct 10 15:46:47 UTC 2009

Graham Watkins wrote:
> Amedee Van Gasse (on Ubuntu mailing lists) wrote:
>> On Sat, October 10, 2009 10:15, Graham Watkins wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> The other day when installing some updates, I got a warning message
>>> saying that /var was too full.
>>> I checked using df and found it was 94% used.  (The partition is
>>> 4.2Gb.)  This certainly seems a lot.  My 9.04 installation is just over
>>> a month old so I'm surprised it's got full so quickly.
>>> What's the best (safest) way of slimming it down?
>> Please give us the output of
>> sudo du -hs /var
>> (sudo because there are some directories that are only accessible for root)
>> Thet will tell us where the biggest space hog is.
>> With that knowledge, we can give you better advice.
> Hi Amedee,
> sudo du -hs /var/*
> 3.3G    /var/backup
> 4.3M    /var/backups
> 36M    /var/cache
> 4.0K    /var/crash
> 44K    /var/games
> 251M    /var/lib
> 4.0K    /var/local
> 0    /var/lock
> 12M    /var/log
> 16K    /var/lost+found
> 4.0K    /var/mail
> 4.0K    /var/opt
> 112K    /var/run
> 292K    /var/spool
> 2.5M    /var/tmp
> As/ /I wrote before, /var/backups  is taking up most of the space and 
> contains a single file named
> 2009-09-26_10.27.20.524996.graham-desktop.ful
> I think, and please correct me if you know different, that this is a legacy file from the sbackup program which I had installed for about a week and then removed.  I have no idea why it would save a backup in /var though.  I'm thinking that I can probably delete it without causing any problems though I might just move it first and see what happens.
> I'm open to suggestions though.
> Graham

After moving or removing the file, check that directory every couple of 
days for a week or two and see if anything comes back.  If so, you need 
to find the program doing the backup.

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