/var is getting full

Alexandra Zaharia alexandra.zaharia1986 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 10 15:42:29 UTC 2009

2009/10/10 Rashkae
> Alexandra Zaharia wrote:
>> 2009/10/10 Rashkae
>>> You're new around here aren't you?
>> ???
>> Even if I was new – which is not the case – what's it to you?
> Your suggestion to reboot 'just in case' would only be appropriate as
> either parody or troll.  Especially in a cut and dry case like this,
> where all the used drive space has been identified and there is no
> mystery missing space caused by deleted but open files.

You're missing the point. You didn't read my post or the get my
premise but you didn't fail to assume I was some kind of idiot and/or

I was starting off by saying I can find no reference (information,
explanation, something) for those kind of files in /var/backups. Since
the OP wondered if he could move the file to another location to see
what happens and then delete it, I suggested a reboot before deleting
it (since a lot of things can change upon *full* system
reinitialization, as opposed to sync-ing).

That was my rationale and the "just in case" construction that seems
to highly bother you.

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