Starting Thunterbird.

John Heinen hensandpat at
Fri Oct 9 20:51:16 UTC 2009

Tab Gilbert wrote:
>     >
>     >
>     Thanks Tab, I did that, and I would say that that's the way to go.
>     In my
>     case though, I blew it, the 2nd  hard drive crashed, it is, was, a
>     small
>     one   John
> There are several different ways to install software.  What happens is
> everyone chimes in with their preferred way and when you are starting
> out it gets very confusing very quickly.  NoOp was correct in telling
> you to just follow his instructions.  Once you learn one way the other
> ways are just about as easy.  And the Add/Remove.... really has a very
> limited selection of the programs available. I come from the Mac world
> and would rather click on little pictures.  Once you make the mental
> leap that Ubuntu is not Mac or Windows and start thinking more in the
> Linux way it really starts to make sense. 
> Like they say in Thailand:
> Same Same but Different
> Hope you have no problems getting earthlink and Thunderbird on the
> same page.
> tab
Right, thanks

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