Is there any NFS ui tools

Andrew Farris flyindragon1 at
Thu Oct 8 05:32:29 UTC 2009

On Thu, 2009-10-08 at 11:48 +0800, loody wrote:
> Dear all:
> after installing Mythubuntu, I can easily share files by NFS.
> But in my gnome ubuntu, I cannot see the same ui tool as Mythubuntu.
> Is there any NFS ui tool I can apt-get?
> appreciate your help,

I think that tool is called shares-admin (not positive, since I have no
mythbuntu box im guessing from the screenshots from the
mythbuntu site). I remember reading somewhere that the shares-admin is
being depreciated (but in favor of what, i don't remember). you can
still access it via launching it from a terminal, or alt+f2 by running

hope that helps!

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