karmic beta

David Fox dfox94085 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 6 02:48:38 UTC 2009

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 9:54 AM, Kjetil Halvorsen <kjetil1001 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hola!
> I just tested karmic beta and it works without problems on my machine.

It is not absolutely necessary to upgrade now. The question really
becomes "Does the current rev of Karmic offer a feature you need?" If
not, and if Jaunty suffices, then you might want to wait, although
there a a lot (the unscientific term is "lots" or "humungous") of
changes. The thing is that what is called Beta (i.e., what was
pressed) is itself obsolete because since then there have be a whole
number (i.e., a lot) of updates to that. I think I must have
downloaded a couple hundred megabytes in package changes since about
October 2nd.

I have yet to install it on my desktop because that is pretty much a
production machine, and I tend to update in place rather than install
new versions somewhere, athough I could shoehorn it into an unused
partition if I needed to. On the laptop, which is more a sandbox than
a production environment, I have been running Karmic for about 2
months now, but I track the updates frequently and keep abrest of
changes on the krmic-changes mailing list. (that's a pretty busy

Just for some perspective, I've been running Ubuntu on these machines
since 8.0r4 Hardy (actually Hardy got installed for the first time on
a now-defunct AMD64 machine) but in reality I started with 8.10 back
in December. Used that for a while but decided to try Jaunty out at
the earliest possible opportunity because both my video cards are
Intels, and there were IMHO horrible side effects in the Intrepid
video drivers that made 3D all but unusable. That was primarily the
impetus for switching to Jaunty and contijnued support and improvement
(or at least perceived improvement) contributed to my decision of
trying Karmic out early. But that doesn't mean you have to, or even
should. I'm used to running continuous testing releases (I ran Debian
testing since before it was officially Etch up to May 2008, but when
trying a new architecture I wanted to try something different, so I
gave Ubuntu a try.)

thanks for letting me change the magnetic patterns on your hard disk.

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