URGENT NEWS Re: Quality of Ubuntu List
Chan Chung Hang Christopher
christopher.chan at bradbury.edu.hk
Mon Oct 5 10:44:19 UTC 2009
EVERYBODY! A war of the most horrific kind is coming. One that is fought
by using flames! RUN!!!
psst! Sounder is safe and I also sell flame throwers and asbestos suits.
You never know when you need them.
Mike McMullin wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-10-05 at 10:25 +0100, Colin Law wrote:
>> 2009/10/5 Trent Murray <trent at guardianit.com.au>:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Following Marks comment about the 'blind leading the blind' I have only been
>>> with this list for 3 weeks and already concerned with the amount of flaming
>>> and misinformation. As a result ill be unsubscribing from this list
>>> effective as of now.
>> I find it inappropriate that you join the list, ask for and get help,
>> then leave without contributing yourself, other than in a negative
>> way. The way to improve a list is to contribute to it not leave it
>> after you have benefited from it.
>> [Copied to personal email]
> One thing that I have noticed about this list is the high noise to
> signal ratio, and this thread is all about noise, Indignation will not
> bring someone back to the list, but it will make some feel better.
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