digital video editing from camera files

David Fox dfox94085 at
Mon Oct 5 02:26:07 UTC 2009

On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 4:02 PM, Premio Del Capo <mediaffari at> wrote:
> ubuntu 9.04
> I have an eight megapixel digital camera.
> with the software ubuntu can not do a simple video editing.
> I can not add titles, I can not put the effects. With the software ubuntu
> how can I manipulate the video in a professional format.

What software have you tried? First of all what format is the movie
files in on the camera? More than likely, you haven't installed a
program that's capable of doing what you want. Cinelerra will probably
do everything that professionals would want but it's probably going to
be way too much. I think kino can do some simple editing. I do more
video conversion, not much if any video editing.

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