OT:Re: Help with installation

Douglas Pollard dougpol1 at verizon.net
Sat Oct 3 22:45:40 UTC 2009

Karl F. Larsen wrote:
> Steve Flynn wrote:
>> On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 9:35 PM, Karl F. Larsen <klarsen1 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Sorry, that's just Karl, whose first mission in life is to give really bad
>>>> advice, and his second is to be offensive.
>>>        And Derek has a desire to show he is smarter than I. Instead
>>> he makes an ass of himself. You are No.1 in offensive.
>> Actually Karl (and I don't mean this personally), most people on this
>> list think you're an old man with poor English who uses this media
>> outlet as a blog to describe your instant reactions to software and
>> systems you don't understand. You do this whilst offering consistently
>> bad/poor advice whilst displaying an inability to take constructive
>> criticism onboard. This makes you appear to be a fuckwit.
>> Perhaps if you didn't come out with laughable lines like "I don't
>> think your very good with a computer" (sic) whilst displaying a
>> laughable lack of knowledge yourself people would cut you more slack.
>> Personall, I'll pick you up on every piece of bad advice you offer on
>> here until you stop posting tripe.
>> Just letting you know, my little cherub.
> 	Steve, why waste a message trying without success to prove I 
> am stupid and you are super smart. You are an ass and it shows 
> every time you write to this list.
> 73 Karl
Why don't you to try helping the person having a problem instead of 
playing with each other. What kind of crap is that.      Doug

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