Password Denied/Email Address Not Recognized???

Jim Kvarnberg jimkvg at
Sat Oct 3 15:00:52 UTC 2009

   I received the following statement, "You reached this page probably 
because you followed a link received by email. That link was sent to 
confirm you have access to the email address it was sent to, but this 
confirmation was already concluded, so you don't need to do anything 
else."   I am still denied password entry into Ubuntu 9.10 and into 
Update Manager of Ubuntu 9.04.  In the latter OS, I do not need to type 
in password to open it.  I open it every time.  The two passwords that I 
use to open the two oses aren't too hard for me to remember. 
   Anyway, I am solo user of my PC with dual boot system of the two 
OSs.  Me an administrator??? hahaha  I feel I am blocked.  Anyway, what 
should I do to get my password access priviledge back?   Thank you.  Jim

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