Help with installation

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Sat Oct 3 10:47:55 UTC 2009

Michael White wrote:
> Ok first off I find that a little offensive. Just because I have never had to install another OS doesn't mean that I am not good with computers. Either way I can answer your questions I'm just trying to get my desktop running again so that I can get back to my college courses for game and simulation programing.
> 1. It is a Dell Inspiron 531.

	This model has been used with Ubuntu. It should work fine. As 
for cheap Wal Mart computers, I have my favorite lap-top is an 
HP I got at Wal Mart when they had it on sale for $298.00.

  Yes I know that it is a cheap Wal mart PC but its my parents 
not mine.
> 2. Yes both my computers can write DVD's
	But the Dell Inspiration 531 doesn't work due to a windows virus.

> 3. It has one HDD the one that it came with.
> 4. Yes I can burn a DVD with the ISO file.
> 5. I can only access the Internet on the Laptop that I am on right now. The Desktop that is in question is not in a condition to access the Internet. As a matter of fact the Desktop is so overrun with the virus that it cannot do much other than load up. This is why I just want to format the HDD and start over.
> As always Thanks.

	I think now you need to try and fix your parents windows. 
Once that is fixed you can d/l the Ubuntu file and put it on a 


	You can d/l the Ubuntu file on your laptop and put it on a 
cd-rom and then take the cd to the Dell computer and install it.

73 karl

> --- On Fri, 10/2/09, Karl F. Larsen <klarsen1 at> wrote:
> From: Karl F. Larsen <klarsen1 at>
> Subject: Re: Help with installation
> To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at>
> Date: Friday, October 2, 2009, 8:25 PM
> Michael White wrote:
>> Thank you guys very much for the help. 
> Unfortuantly all though I am very good with computers
>   I have never formated my HDD and I am not sure how to.
>   I also do not know what a ext3 or 4 is.
> Sorry for being such a challenge.
> I once tried to load a Linux os onto my PS3 from a CD
>   but I was unsucessful. So if anyone could point me to
>   a full tutorial on how to format and start over with
> Ubuntu I would be most appreciative.
>     I don't think your very good with a computer, and so here is 
> a step by step question series:
>     1. What kind of computer do you have? When about was it made?
>     2. Does your computer have a cd/dvd read write cd device?
>     3. How many hard drives does it have?
>     4. Do you have a way to make a cd with an .iso file installed?
>     5. Do you have a way to reach a web page?
>     Please answer as many of these questions as you can.
> 73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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