Grub 2 in Jaunty/Karmic can break double boot configuration

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Fri Oct 2 22:28:53 UTC 2009

Lucio M Nicolosi wrote:
> Running Jaunty AMD64 at (hd0,8). Tried to install Karmic Beta
> (sept/29) from Live CD at a new partition (hd0,0) to no avail.
> Wondering about conflicts between grub and grub2 (standard at Karmic),
> installed grub2 on Jaunty.
> Grub2 install set boot parameter to (default) (hd0,0) and
> corresponding (wrong) UUID, thus making Jaunty boot impossible.
> Booted from a Live CD, fixed things up (grub2 install leaves a backup
> of original menu.lst) but do not intend to test Karmic before this
> issue is addressed.
> This bug is already listed at Grub2 but not at Karmic.
> I believe that anyone with multiple boot configuration should approach
> Karmic carefully.
> Unless I messed things up completely...

	No problem here. I have every Ubuntu version from 7.04 on 
this computer and loaded Karmic and it's grub 2 made the 
current grub log and I can reach ALL my partitions from 0 
through 13 with the Karmic grub 2.

73 Karl


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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