Setting Up a Router:

Colin Law clanlaw at
Fri Oct 2 20:59:42 UTC 2009

2009/10/2 Wade Smart <wadesmart at>:
> Colin Law wrote:
>> 2009/10/2 Wade Smart <wadesmart at>:
>>> Do NOT setup mac filtering or encryption until you have your computers
>>> working.
>> But _do_ set up encryption after you have it working or your
>> neighbours and passers by will steal your bandwidth.
>> Colin
> Or just filter on your mac.
> Yea. I know, mac's can be cloned and changed but, they have to have YOUR
> mac for your computer. Enc slows down your transmission speed so for in
> home stuff, mac filtering I find to be better.

If you filter on the mac address without encryption is it not still
possible to snoop on what you are doing?  Monitoring your emails as
you send and receive them, watching which websites you visit and so


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