Help with installation

dean deanubuntu at
Fri Oct 2 06:25:51 UTC 2009

Michael White wrote:
> Hi, I have been thinking about making a switch from Windows to Linux 
> for awhile now. Yesterday my desktop caught a really bad case of 
> spyware. Now all I want to do is format my hard drive and load Ubuntu 
> onto the desktop. I was wondering if you guys would be able to assit 
> me in how to do so. I was running Windows XP SP3. Any help would be 
> appreciated.
If your thinking of doing a totally switch with no Windows I would 
probably recommend getting a spare drive to back your data up so you can 
convert any drives to ext3/ext4.  I find NTFS-3G to be a CPU hog and it 
isn't needed if your going 100% linux.

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