Nokia Smartphone Connectivity Suite for Linux?

Pookito pookito at
Thu Oct 1 17:04:39 UTC 2009

Hi, I am back  I got some info on Nokia n97 on this 

As far as I can understand the specs the phone plays mp3 
for audio and mp4 for video.  I did not read what type of 
container it might use, but I would say that MP4 would be 
a save bet ( I think avi, might be played in the phone, 
but there is no specs for that).  Resolution I think is 

To use avidemux just open it up, open the file via file 
menu or open button at the top left.  Choose either xvid 
or x264 for the video.  Then choose the filter option 
under the configure button.  The filter button will make 
another window come up, and then choose resize option.  
For width you are going to place360 and for height 640 or 
vice versa, and under the audio label choose the option 
for mp3.

Click apply and you should be able to play the file on 
your phone.  Do not forget that it would be nice for you 
to check the specs on your phones.  Sometimes there are 
some phones that will not allow you to play a file which 
is over 100 mb or so.  Make sure that you know the specs 
well before you encode the file to your phone.

I hope this help.


Amichai Rotman wrote:

> Pookito,
> That is what I used, still can't figure out exactly 
what I should choose.

Josh Dem

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