
darkfena313 darkfena313 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 1 14:04:07 UTC 2009

> Hi LINUX-Friends,
> I have a new notebook >Acer Aspire One< (i368), OS >LINPUS LINUX< but  with some Acer-own modifications and I am meanwhile realy desperate - I am not able to run or install anything new - even only to upgrade the old >Firefox<  because when I try I get a set back from this OS.
> To say the least, I am quiet new with LINUX - but tired of decades with Windows I would like to use LINUX, particulary UBUNTU, at least on this small maschine. I already downloaded >ubuntu-9.04-netbook-remix-i386.img< and >FEDORA liveusb-creator-3.7.tar.bz2< but I am not able to install the liveusb-creator and in a dead-end, trying to ask the >source< if there is some simple solution.
> I am from Europe, Czech Rep. and presently traveling in Malaysia, short of my homely hardware/software resources.....but with limitless internet and >Boot on LAN< if this is also a point?! (I would already be very happy with, if you could resize the (only) partition so I could install my WINXP from the HD and use my and LINUX tools for WINDOWS to prepare the LiveUSBPendrive and get UBUNTU running.)
here is what i suggest you do. if you know how to use linpus to install 
packages, install unetbootin http://lubi.sourceforge.net/unetbootin.html 
. have a usb handy. download eeebuntu (i like it better than the netbook 
remix) http://www.eeebuntu.org/. once you download the iso image, use 
unetbootin to put the iso image onto the usb, then install eeebuntu and 
enjoy. if you dont know how to install packages on the aspire one read 

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