Tiny Shuttle Computer case

M. Milanuk memilanuk at gmail.com
Mon Nov 30 21:50:40 UTC 2009

Karl F. Larsen wrote:

>> What all are you shoe-horning in there?
>> I've thought about getting one of those to put together as a small 
>> gateway/firewall machine... my Buffalo Air Station does a pretty good 
>> job as is, but the geek in me wants a dedicated machine that gives me a 
>> little more control ;)

> 	Hi the things are a cpu, 2 RAM chips, a DVD/cd-rom drive, one 
> SATA and one IDE hard drive. It will all fit but boy that's 
> all you can put in!

So... are you running it as a light desktop, or as a mini-server, a 
firewall or what?

I see from the pictures on newegg.com that it has one ethernet port 
already built-in... and it looks like here should two slots for a 
PCI/PCI-Express card, so another NIC could go there... I'm thinking in 
terms of what all I'd need to turn it into a smokin' little 
firewall/gateway/proxy.  The specs mention RAID 0/1 for the SATA 
controller.  Any idea if thats 'real' hardware raid or just fake 
(glorified soft) raid?

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