Problems With Privoxy On Reboot/Start in Karmic

Graham Todd grahamtodd2 at
Mon Nov 30 07:50:03 UTC 2009

I raised this problem before and I had a great deal of help, but I've
found it recurring with a number of machines on which I reinstalled
Ubuntu with Ubuntu Karmic.

Briefly, this is the issue.  When installing Privoxy from the repos
(haven't tried the tarball yet), and then starting it with:

sudo /etc/init.d/privoxy start

Privoxy works.  However, when I restart or reboot a system running
Karmic, Privoxy needs to be restarted before I can connect.

Previous versions of Ubuntu didn't have this problem.  Once you started
it manually, Privoxy restarted on reboot or restart.

I have set Privoxy's settings in Network Proxy so they can be available
system-wide.  Could this be the problem?

Any advice you can give will be gladly received!

Graham Todd

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