Regular Expression Puzzle

Ray Parrish crp at
Sun Nov 29 13:37:59 UTC 2009

Alan McKay wrote:
> Dude, that's a bit of a convoluted way to go about it.
> How about keeping it simple?
> cat file | sed "s/<div>/<p>/g" | sed "s/<\/div>/<\/p>/g" > newfile

I tried that command, and it does indeed change the <div>'s to <p>'s, 
but it does it across the entire file, and I do not want to replace 
every <div> in the file with paragraph tags.

I need the ability to change certain blocks of text that are similar but 
different in different files, and I would like a command that handles 
all variations on the basic theme of it starts with a certain string, 
varies in the middle, then is the same on the end of the string again.

Those sample lines iI provided are from the navigation links I put at 
the top of all of my web pages, and it would be nice to do a broadcast 
change to update, or change their appearance instead pf having to edit 
every single file by hand, which takes hours.

Well, I'm back to reading up on regular exprssions to see if there is 
some possible way to make a broadcast change through all of my pages to 
change the appearance of the navigation links.

Later, Ray Parrish

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