Mac look alike?

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Sun Nov 29 08:22:35 UTC 2009

2009/11/29 Mark Traceur <marktraceur at>:
>> What your daughter will get will be a disappointing Mac ripoff (no
>> iTunes, no MS Office, no iPhoto, wrong behaviour that is neither
>> Windows-like nor Mac-like, low quality hardware) and that will be her
>> and her friends' impression of Ubuntu.
> What the HELL kind of Ubuntu support person would ever say that
> behavior which is "neither Windows-like nor Mac-like" is WRONG?

When one is expecting a Mac, and the system does not behave like a
Mac, then the behaviour is wrong. A skin might look like a Mac, but it
does not behave like a Mac.

> That's
> why a lot of people PREFER Linux! It's NOT a proprietary, locked-in
> system with no capabilities to allow the user to do ANYTHING except
> for blindly listening to iTunes and watching iPhoto slideshows.

However, those are two common Mac usage scenarios. You might not like
the fact that that is what people do on their Macs, but that does not
mean that they should not be able to do it.

> Also
>> no MS Office
> You can LEAVE, sir.

You are suggesting that I be expelled from the list. No problem,
complain to the list admin about my behaviour on the list. Would you
like me to google his address for you?

> I understand fully that Ubuntu is no Windows clone, but Ubuntu is what
> the guy's asking for! We can't turn him away, especially to Windows or
> Mac.

No, the "guy" is a girl and she is asking for a Mac. He wrote writes
the check asked if Ubuntu can step in as a Mac to reduce the cost.

> Microsoft does half the work that Open Source developers do, and they
> get all the money. Where's the justice there?

That is about as valid an argument as saying the prostitutes do half
the work that gym instructors do, yet the prostitutes get all the sex.
Open source developers specifically license their work in a way that
does not require monetary compensation. If the dev found that unfair,
he would license his software differently. If you find that unfair,
most projects have facility for you to donate or otherwise show
appreciation. The only application that ever flatly refused my
donation was Zim, and when the software releases a 1.0 version (not on
the near horizon) I will try again.

Dotan Cohen

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