do my messages reach the list?

John Abbott fewclues at
Sat Nov 28 17:48:19 UTC 2009

On Fri, 2009-11-27 at 16:28 -0800, Leonard Chatagnier wrote:

>         It isn't the list, it is gmail that doesn't give you your own
>         posts
>         back.
>         The list does too if you so select.  I've never used gmail in
>         my life and I don't get my post or replies unless someone
>         replies to it.
>         Leonard Chatagnier
>         lenc5570 at

The point I was trying (obviously failed) to make was that the set up
pages for the OWNER of the list has a choice of echoing or not.  It is
possible to set up most lists to either send to all or send to all but
the posting address.  Here is the setup from one of my lists. 
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