Mac look alike?

Odd iodine at
Sat Nov 28 14:23:10 UTC 2009

Hal Burgiss wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 02:54:23PM +0100, Odd wrote:
>> Facts disagree with you:
>> There are three companies ahead of Apple.
> That is only hardware failures. It does not include "software failures" which
> unquestionably MS leads the pack.

We were actually talking about hardware. But if you want to
talk software, Apple has just as many security flaws in their
OS as Microsoft. Just look at the massive amount of holes
Apple is fixing with their patches. Also, Apple controls the
entire ecosystem from their machines to the OS and drivers.
The amount of 3rd party hw devices that Windows has,
compared with MacOS, will of course lead to more failures.
But that's the price of choice, something that's very limited
in comparison on the Mac platform.


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