do my messages reach the list?

Leonard lenc5570 at
Sat Nov 28 05:39:03 UTC 2009

Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Nov 2009 18:55:36 -0800 (PST)
> Leonard Chatagnier<lenc5570 at>  wrote:
>> --- On Fri, 11/27/09, Cybe R. Wizard<cyber_wizard at>
>> wrote:
>> From: Cybe R. Wizard<cyber_wizard at>
>> Subject: Re: do my messages reach the list?
>> To: ubuntu-users at
>> Date: Friday, November 27, 2009, 6:39 PM
>> On Fri, 27 Nov 2009 16:28:27 -0800 (PST)
>> Leonard Chatagnier<lenc5570 at>  wrote:
>>> --- On Fri, 11/27/09, Cybe R. Wizard<cyber_wizard at>
>>> wrote:
>>> From: Cybe R. Wizard<cyber_wizard at>
>>> Subject: Re: do my messages reach the list?
>>> To: ubuntu-users at
>>> Date: Friday, November 27, 2009, 6:20 PM
>>> On Fri, 27 Nov 2009 13:57:33 -0600
>>> John Abbott<fewclues at>  wrote:
>>> (corrected your top post for you, no thanks necessary.)
>>>> On Fri, 2009-11-27 at 14:40 -0500, tommie ramirez andujar wrote:
>>>>> do my messages reach the list?
>>>> Yes.  Apparently the list is set up not to send your posts back to
>>>> you. I never see any of mine either.
>>> It isn't the list, it is gmail that doesn't give you your own posts
>>> back.
>>> The list does too if you so select.  I've never used gmail in my
>>> life and I don't get my post or replies unless someone replies to
>>> it. Leonard Chatagnier
>>> lenc5570 at
>> I haven't seen that option although admittedly I haven't been to the
>> sign-up page in quite a while.  OTOH, are you sure it isn't Yahoo mail
>> doing the same thing for you as gmail is doing for the OP?
>> Pretty sure because I definitely remember seeing a selection to
>> receive a copy of your post or not.  I was receiving a copy of my
>> posts using Yahoo for a while, got tired of it, then deseleted
>> getting a copy. Leonard Chatagnier
> Could it be this you remember:
> "Would you like to receive list mail batched in a daily digest?"

Definitely not.  I did get digest mail for a while but decided it's much 
easier to receive individual mail.
I hated trying to respond to digest mail, everyone kept complaining and 
someone suggested getting individual
posts which I did. Much easier to reply.  In any case I don't receive a 
copy of my original posts whether I use Yahoo web
mail, SM or TB.
> I just visited
> and couldn't find anything else remotely resembling that choice of
> receiving your own posts or not.

Funny you say that as I had a difficult time finding it the first time.  
My 72 yr old brain doesn't remember
details as it once did.  AIR,  You had to log in and select the right 
link(bottom of page, AIR) and it took you
to a long detailed list of options to choose from.  I read over the 
option to not receive your own posts a few times
and I think that applies to your replies to other posts unless someone 
replies to it.  AIR, it was at the beginning of
the list of options.  I guess it could have been changed as its be some 
time since I selected it but as said above, I don't
get copies of my post no matter what MUA I'm using.  I believe the list 
I'm referring to covers more that one screen
page and that there is a more abbreviated list that doesn't have the 
option.  Maybe you need to explore more of the
links at the bottom of the log in URL.  I hope you can find it.
> Cybe R. Wizard

Leonard l
enc5570 at
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