do my messages reach the list?

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at
Sat Nov 28 00:28:27 UTC 2009

--- On Fri, 11/27/09, Cybe R. Wizard <cyber_wizard at> wrote:

From: Cybe R. Wizard <cyber_wizard at>
Subject: Re: do my messages reach the list?
To: ubuntu-users at
Date: Friday, November 27, 2009, 6:20 PM

On Fri, 27 Nov 2009 13:57:33 -0600
John Abbott <fewclues at> wrote:

(corrected your top post for you, no thanks necessary.)
> On Fri, 2009-11-27 at 14:40 -0500, tommie ramirez andujar wrote:
> > do my messages reach the list?
> > 
> Yes.  Apparently the list is set up not to send your posts back to
> you. I never see any of mine either.

It isn't the list, it is gmail that doesn't give you your own posts

The list does too if you so select.  I've never used gmail in my life and I don't get my post or replies unless someone replies to it.
Leonard Chatagnier

lenc5570 at

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