how to install wink in karmic koala 32 bit version

NoOp glgxg at
Fri Nov 27 23:44:15 UTC 2009

On 11/27/2009 09:38 AM, user1 wrote:
> My wink installs and works fine in 9.04.
> However I cannot get it installed in 9.10, it complains of some 
> dependency problems, it wants libstdc++5 >= 1:3.3.4-1, but I cannot get 
> this installed (it's not there).
> I get a fairly amount of problems when installing newer ubuntus.

Wink: It seems that it's not been maintained since Jaunty (9.04). These
might be of interest:
[seems like there was some interest]

Regarding libstdc++5; I require this for some older versions of
SeaMonkey (mozilla) that I test in karmic & simply installed from:
[Package: libstdc++5 (1:3.3.6-17ubuntu1) [universe] ]
And yes; I run both libstdc++5 and libstdc++6 on my systems.

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