[RESOLVED] Re: Docking the slide pane in Open Office Impress?!?

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Fri Nov 27 20:48:47 UTC 2009

On 11/26/2009 03:41 PM, Karl Auer wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-11-26 at 17:11 -0600, John Abbott wrote:
>> > I think the "Slides Pane" *should* have a "View" menu, but it doesn't.
>> > However, since I have found a workaround and now have my "Slides Pane"
>> > back where it belongs, I'm happy.
>> I know its like black magic but it works every time.   On the slide
>> pane put the pointer just below the word "slide" , Hold down the
>> Control key and double click.  Really not graceful but it works.
> That's actually documented - if you look in the help for "docking" it
> will tell you about this technique. It docks the pane wherever it was
> last docked.
> In my experimentation I have also found that there are "sweet spots" on
> the sides of the main window; if you drag the slides pane to just the
> right spot (and hold your mouth just so) a dotted outline will appear.
> If you let go of the mouse button right then, the slides pane drops into
> place, docked.

So perhaps we can mark this [RESOLVED] so others don't wander by and
start offering more suggestions, or have to read the entire thread only
find out that you've resolved the issue? :-)

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