Webpage screenshot in Ubuntu: large webpages

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Fri Nov 27 17:49:43 UTC 2009

2009/11/27 Markus Schönhaber <ubuntu-users at list-post.mks-mail.de>:
> Am 27.11.2009 15:11, schrieb Dotan Cohen:
>> I just discovered this terrific solar system scale:
>> http://www.phrenopolis.com/perspective/solarsystem/
>> I would like to export it as a .png image, but I cannot figure out how
>> to do that. I have been playing with wget and imagemagick but I just
>> can't do it. Googling finds Firefox addons that do not support such a
>> large page and Windows software. Any ideas? Thanks!
> If neither Cemal's or Avi's tips wrt Opera or html2ps are what you want:
> the page basically consists of a table with a single row. The
> table cells contain either a picture of a planet or a completely black
> image. You could save the images of the planets and then use Gimp or
> whatever to glue them together, thereby using the values of the WIDTH
> attributes in the black parts to get an idea of the space between the
> individual planet images.

Considering the dimensions of that page, simply glueing the images
together with Gimp is impractical. Thanks for the idea, though.

Dotan Cohen


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