Mac look alike?

Bas Roufs basroufs at
Fri Nov 27 09:43:18 UTC 2009

2009/11/27 Patton Echols <p.echols at>:
> My daughter is interested in replacing her laptop and has said she is
> interested in a Mac.  Seems to be mostly because of the eye candy and
> the scroll type launcher.  But I've never used a Mac so I've no idea
> really what she is looking at.  Are there settings that could be used
> for a similar look and functionality on the desktop?  Are there things
> that a Mac does that can be cloned?  If there are suggestions, I will
> try it on her account on my desktop machine and see how she likes it.

You could try installing Kubuntu at the laptop - this is Ubuntu with a
KDE window manager. "Clone" is not the right word. But the graphical
"look and feel" of Kubuntu is quite similar to that of a Mac.  More
Respectfully yours,

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