Docking the slide pane in Open Office Impress?!?

John Abbott fewclues at
Thu Nov 26 15:28:19 UTC 2009

On Thu, 2009-11-26 at 19:43 +1100, Karl Auer wrote:

> Somehow, I don't know how, the slide pane in Impress has become detached
> and now "floats" as an independent window instead of being docked at the
> left-hand side of the Impress window.
> a) How did I do that?
> b) How do I get it back to where it was?
> The online help is useless, or maybe I'm not using the right search
> terms.
> This is not a major problem, just an irritation.
> Regards, K.

To the top right of the pane is a "view" menu.   When you pull it down
you will notice that the last option is Dock or Undock.  Simply click on
that to secure or float the pane. 
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