ssh session timing out

matteo filippetto matteo.filippetto at
Thu Nov 26 13:39:19 UTC 2009

2009/11/26 Kipton Moravec <kip at>:
> I have a weird situation that I do not understand.
> I have a computer running a custom java program that echos certain data
> to a port. The computer is located about 7 miles away in a not easily
> accessible location. It is running Xubuntu and is a 450 MHz computer
> with 384 MB RAM.
> On my home Ubuntu computer I open a terminal window, ssh to the remote
> computer and log in. Then I "telnet localhost 14508" to see the echo of
> the data I am interested in. It spits out a line from once in 3 seconds
> to once in 30 minutes.
> This works great on my main Ubuntu 8.04 computer with 2.4 GHz processor
> and 1.5 GB RAM running.  It will monitor the data for days.
> However, when I use an old 450 MHz Pentium computer with 256MB running
> Ubuntu 8.04 it works for an hour or two, then it says:
> "Read from Remote host ... Connection reset from peer
> Connection to ... closed"
> and it drops the ssh session.
> I have another old similarly configured computer at home that has the
> same problem.
> What is happening? How do I fix it?
> I am guessing the old computer is taking too long to respond to some
> type of handshaking and it drops the connection. If that is the case is
> there a parameter I can set to make the timeout a little longer?
> Kip
> --
> Kipton Moravec AE5IB .- . ..... .. -...
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> --Mark Twain
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Matteo Filippetto

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