Cannot access broadband on 9.1

Amedee Van Gasse (ub) amedee-ubuntu at
Thu Nov 26 00:34:36 UTC 2009

On Wed, November 25, 2009 13:33, Arthur Trevaskis wrote:

> As a child at school. I was taught to suppress unwanted zeros (to the
> right
> of a decimal point), so to me, 9.1 is 9.10, 9.100, etc. I still do it,
> doesn't everyone?

Ubuntu versions aren't numbers, they are string concatenations that follow
a well-known rule.

Part 1: last two numbers of the year, without leading zeros
Part 2: a dot
Part 3: month, with leading zeros

All Ubuntu versions so far were "4.10", "5.04", "5.10", "6.06", "6.10",
"7.04", "7.10", "8.04", "8.10", "9.04", "9.10". They also have nicknames:
alliterating adjective + animal name. Starting from "6.06" they are in
alfabetical order. "6.06" has an adjective + animal starting with the
letter d, "6.10" starts with the letter e,...

And then something else abouth math...
As a child in school, I was learned the same thing about trailing zeros.
However when I was in university I learned about precision in physics. I
was unlearned to omit the trailing zeros. I was learned to read it like
9.1 = 9.1 +/- 0.1 = 9.0 to 9.2
9.10 = 9.10 +/- 0.01 = 9.09 to 9.11
9.100 = 9.100 +/- 0.001 = 9.099 to 9.101
Do you now understand the difference between 9.1, 9.10 and 9.100? If you
don't, no worries, it just means that you never had to do any precise
measurements in a physics experiment and calculate with the margins of
error of your measurements.

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