Pidgin Crashing

sktsee sktsee at
Wed Nov 25 16:06:29 UTC 2009

On Tue, 2009-11-24 at 19:17 -0600, Wade Smart wrote: 
> Over the past few months I have noticed that pidgin randomly crashes. 
> Ill wake up one morning and its gone. Ill be working and then its off my 
> screen. In the past two days its crashed within a few minutes of 
> starting it, every single time I start it. I cant keep it on. There is 
> nothing in the system log that I can find. I use this constantly for my 
> work so Im really eager to find a problem and fix it. Any suggestions on 
> finding out the issue?

Check the file ~/.xsession-errors after pidgin crashes, or start pidgin
in debug mode from the command line with the "-d" option and see what
turns up.

$ pidgin -d 1> pidginlog.txt


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