can we dynamitically change the resolution of tsclient or krdc
glgxg at
Sun Nov 22 22:13:35 UTC 2009
On 11/20/2009 08:42 PM, loody wrote:
> Dear all:
> each time before using tsclient and krdc, we will set the resolution first.
> My question are:
> 1 Can we dynamically change the resolution after we connect to the
> remote computer?
> 2. when I set the resolution as full screen, how can I jump back to my
> Ubuntu desktop? Can I open tsclient at one workplace as full screen
> and change to another workplace dynamically?
> appreciate your help,
> miloody
If you figure out a way to do this (dynamically change the resolution) I
(and others) would be very interested. Just getting tsclient to use
other resolutions has always been somewhat of a problem - see:
[Few resolution options]
Note that tsclient is up to version 2.0.1, whereas Ubuntu's version is
0.150 see:
Regarding fullscreen...
[When in fulllscreen mode, impossible to close/minimize fullscreen and
so forth. (top bar)]
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