rsync backup

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Sun Nov 22 16:09:26 UTC 2009

charlie derr wrote:
> Karl F. Larsen wrote:
>> Res wrote:
>>> On Sat, 21 Nov 2009, don fisher wrote:
>>>> -rlpgouvtS
>>> You can replace all that crud with -vaz (and I add -H as well to mine)
>>> and why you'd use -u is beyond me, not if your after a known good restore 
>>> point anyway...
>>>> The rsync-backup_exclude fike looks like:
>>> <SNIP>
>>> he'd likely want to add .gvfs as well into that file.
>> 	I changed it to your letters and it still does not write to 
>> the backup hd.
>> Karl
> just to be totally clear that wsa -vazH that wouldn't work for you?  (my 
> hunch is it's a problem getting an initial copy made on the server (do 
> you have permission to create a new directory on the server with the 
> appropriate user(s)?) I'm no rsync wizard, but if you're 100% sure you 
> have no permissions issues (which is a non-trivial thing with users on 
> two different machines that may not have the same uidNumber (I don't 
> even know if that part matters actually, but it might)) then my 
> assumption would be that one more flag might be needed)  In any case, if 
> I'm wrong I blame Res and the overly aggressive snipping policy (as I'm 
> too lazy to scroll back up the thread and see what was pruned out).  :-]
>      good luck, I think you're probably very very close,
>            ~c
	Good thinking but I fixed that first. I have a plastic  box 
the HD is mounted in and it has some hardware that connects 
the HD to a USB port.

	Then on the computer I used $cp -a filename /media/disk-1/, 
and it failed for permissions. I changed the disk-1 owner to 
me, karl. That fixed that. It happens my 9.04 Ubuntu mounts a 
USB HD at /media/ and names the thing disk-1.

The easy stuff is done, it's getting the letters and / and : 
in the right place.



	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User
         Key ID = 3951B48D

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