Touch Pad refuses to disable

Xandros Pilosa folivora.pilosa at
Sat Nov 21 18:33:14 UTC 2009

Dne 21.11.2009 (sob) ob 10:51 +0000 je Steve zapisal(a):
> On Sat, 21 Nov 2009 04:49:37 -0000, FewClues <fewclues at> wrote:
> > I am really at the end of my rope. I have tried about everything to  
> > disable
> > my touchpad on a Compaq 6820s   I am running Ubunut 9.10 and it is
> > completely updated.  I have the touch pad preference set without enable
> > touchpad.  However, when I launch any application (Firefox, Evolution,
> > UbuntuOne it re-enables.
> >
> > I have used this laptop since 8.04 without a lick of trouble with the  
> > touch
> > pad.    I dual booted another Linux brand and the touch pad behaves well.
> >
> > What would you suggest besides going back to another version.
> >
> Touch-pads have been discussed quite a lot lately, suggest you look  
> through the list archives -
> -- 
> Steve

Hello FewClues,
if you searched list archives, as suggested by Steve, you might find
some guides about "xinit" as a tool for your purpose, "xinput
set-int-prop" more exactly
You may find this link useful [1].
>From post #2 by kumoshk:
So, you need xinput.
Also, you might need a different configuration on your computer. Here's
how to find out what you need:
Type this:

xinput list | grep 'id='

Find your touchpad in the resulting list (its name, and its id number).
The line with mine is at the end, and it looks like this:

"SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad"	id=8	[XExtensionPointer]

Then, edit the following line of code accordingly:

xinput set-int-prop "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" "Device Enabled" 8 0

Replace "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" with the name of your device (if
different). Replace 8 with your device's ID. The zero just means you're
disabling it (change it to 1 to enable it).

When you have exact syntax for your device, you can try the command in
Terminal and see if it works.
If it does you can assign it to hotkey, actually you need 2 of them, one
with 0 and one with 1 at the end of the commands i.e. enable/disable
If you are using Kubuntu (KDE) see post #11 by gsanders99 [2].
For Gnome, you can do the same with: 
Keyboard Shortcuts --> "add" button.


As I mentioned in the other tread about touchpad, I'm not using one at
the moment, so I cannot try this myself. But I think this is the way I
would go for workaround of this problem first.
Hope it helps.


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