touchpad problem on 9.04 to 9.10 upgrade

don fisher hdf3 at
Fri Nov 20 21:03:28 UTC 2009

Xandros Pilosa wrote:
> Dne 20.11.2009 (pet) ob 13:38 -0700 je don fisher zapisal(a):
> <snip>
>> Is 
>> there still a way to manually enable/disable the touchpad?
> At first look (I'm not using laptop right now) you can:
> System -> Preferences -> Mouse -> touchpad tab -> Disable touchpad while
> typing
> or in gconf-editor look for the key:
> /desktop/gnome/peripherals/mouse/touchpad_enabled
> Regards
Sorry, I am an xterm/cmd-line kind of user. There is a command called 
synclient TouchPadOff=1
synclient TouchPadOff=0;synclient MaxSpeed=0.5;synclient AccelFactor=.2

|    Don Fisher                         hdf3 at        |
|    865 W. Cresta Loma Dr.             VOICE: (520)888-7613    |
|    Tucson, AZ. 85704-3705                                     | 


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